Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Kurdistan Anschluss (part 1)

Well; I guess it's time for a new article about Kurdistan. Why ? Because it annoys me to see Nationalist Kurds so happy because some little progress they've made the couple of years.

Turkey was founded in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk after he kicked some Allied asses. He stated that the people from Thrakya and Anatolia had various ethnical backgrounds and needed to forget these. It worked with the most ethnical groups like the Laz people, Greeks, Albanians, Circassians and others but not with the Kurds in the Southeast who demanded autonomy that Atatürk had promised them during the War. Ataturk said: "Aminakoydum bekleyin bi ya." which is translated as: "******* **** can you wait for a second." since he was busy with kicking some fanatical muslims their asses. The Kurds were not happy with his answers and started to revolt. After that they lost, they took the tradition of Greeks and Armenians over that they've not been defeated but genocided at Dersim.

Some years happen, shit happens in Europe and the Cold war starts. Turkey, a former ally of the Socialists, sides with Nato and joins it leaving the Soviet Union behind them. The reason for this was because the Soviets wanted some land and Ismet didn't wanted to give it to them and shit. Some military coups find place since those radical muslims don't know to stop. One of the most famous military coups was in 1980 when Kenan Evren took over. He and his military Junta implemented some dracanious laws like forbading the Kurdish language. This is how also the story of the upressed Kurds began you know. Always being targeted by the outside world it was not that Turkish communists, Turkish socialists, Turkish liberals, Turkish ultra-nationalists were arrested/tortured/killed during 1980 by the Military Junta, it only happened to the Kurds.

The badass sandnigger beating Junta

Because of these laws Abdullah Ocalan founded the PKK, a guerilla force that fought the Turkish army in the southeast. They first wanted an independent Communist Kurdistan, since their support of the Soviet Union fell away and Ocalan was arrested by Turkish special commandos because those poor Greeks couldnt afford his hotel anymore.

Now Erdogan wants to become president of a country that 40 percent hates him, 20 percent has no comment and 40 percent that wants to stick a cactus in his ass. To become dictator president he needs +50 percent of the votes. It's likely that the political wing of the PKK named the BDP will support Erdogan to become president. The reason why is because Erdogan is working to release Abdullah Ocalan for peace in the Southeast of Turkey. With peace I mean that the PKK/BDP will control the Southeast of Turkey on the first sight, the PKK will be controlled by Erdogan behind the scenes. You can already see this progress in the elections before, the AKP places their worst candidates in the Southeast so that the Kurds living there mostly chose BDP candidates. Another thing is the fact that Erdogan has put most of the Turkish Generals in prison during the Ergenekon trails while releasing more and more PKK "activists".

Green are Kurds + black is oil

This will mean the first expansion of Erdogan's Neo-Ottoman Empire. During the Syrian Civil War Kurds have created their own fortress in the also Oil rich Northeast of Syria. This Region is mainly controlled by the Kurds who support the PYD which is a branch of the PKK. There are also some kurds who oppose the PKK/PYD. The PYD themselves even spoken out their support for joining Turkey in a federation.

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