Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gypsy's of the Middle East

Gypsy's of the Middle East

Gypsy's of the Middle-East aka Kurds are an etnicity that actually doesn't exists, infact they're just Persians who act like Arabs and want to become Turks. You can recognize a Kurd mostly on Facebook where they're complaining on Turkish pages how bad Turkey is and how much they hate Turkey. Funny fact is that the most Kurds that hate Turkey actually live in Iraq.


Areas that Kurds claim to be theirs.

Kurds are well know to have great empires in their past like :

- oh shit, wait they don't

Kurds in Iraq

Kurds are also very nationalistic and proud of their country, most people say that they don't have a country but this isn't true. Kurds do have a country or atleast a "de facto" independent state in northern Iraq that is called Iraqi Kurdistan. How did they get it ? Well Kurds are well know that they don't wage war with their neighbouring people, they just sucked American cock so they would bomb Iraq and would receive autonomy. Actually Kurdish was an official language in Iraq during Saddam Hussein and they had equal rights as other Iraqi's. But like their European gypsy brothers they were never satisfied.

The hate actually started when Saddam visited Halabja and farted. His fart killed more than thousands of Kurds, men, women and even kids couldn't escape his farts.

So after the Americans invaded Iraq they gave the Kurds autonomy. Kurds started to build amazing buildings in their region. That's also why the most Kurds are so proud of their country which has actually has become Turkey's little bitch. Since it almost imports everything from Turkey. So they actually have a great country until the oils runs out.

Kurds in Turkey:

Kurds in Turkey always wanted an independent state, because they claim that southeastern Turkey is theirs, well actually Arameans, Syrians, Iraqi's, Armenians, Americans and Assyrians claim it also theirs but their rights don't matter because Kurds are from the superior Aryan race. That the most Kurds don't have blonde hair anymore doesn't matter, Hitler had also dark hair.

In 1970 their glorious Maoist Leader Abdullah Ocalan started a rebellion against the Turkish state for an independent Kurdistan. Take note that most Kurds still live in Tribes, rape their own daughters if they make eye contact with other boys and kill other Kurds from other tribes. Yet they keep asking for Human Rights that Turkey turns to a more democratic Federal State like in Iraq but infact they mean like in Belgium where they can mastrubate whole the time while Turks work their ass of for them.

So that the Turks pay everything for them and built everything for them without them doing shit. They also discriminate Turkmens and Assyrians in their autonomous region in Iraq but that's just evil Turkish propaganda. Because the only person that can do something wrong are Turks, Kurds instead are gifted with a special power that makes them unable to be racist.

Like I've said before, Kurds had various rebellions against the Turkish state for an independent Kurdistan. They formed even the  PKK in 1970 a marxist totalitarian I mean freedom fighters that wanted an independent Kurdistan in a peacefull way by killing innocent civillians I mean protesting. After several times by fucked by the Turkish Army aka Osman Pamukoglu, their oh so Great Leader Ocalan got arrested by Turkish agents because the Greeks couldn't afford to pay his hotel anymore.

After realising that they couldn't fight Turks, they tried it on a democratic way making alot of babies so somebody would vote on them. Thanks to several human rights organisations Turks get beaten up by the police now while Kurds can proudly wave their flag everywhere in Turkey.