Wednesday, May 14, 2014



Liberalism, bringing wealth to everyone.

Neoliberalism also known as Economic Imperialism is when the USA takes advantage of cheap labour in third world dictatorships helps poorer countries develop their economies. The United States, along with the IMF and the World Bank gives generous loans to dictators poor people with the only condition of giving America all of their resources access to their economy. Many dictators countries have benefited from American style neoliberalism. These wealthy nations such as Haiti and Colombia have benefited immensly from neoliberalism. In communist nations on the other hand, people have had to endure a free burocratic and state managed healthcare system, free socialist brainwashing propaganda education, and public transit because in communist countries none can afford a car . Neoliberals such as George Bush hope that one day, the entire world will be free from government and all their social programs using your own money for you . George Bush intends to liberate socialist countries that oppose brutal and oppressive democratic principles such as economic subservience to the United States Neoliberalism. George Bush has placed many socialist countries on the axis of evil because their policies interfere with his profit margin they violate fundamental human rights. Any individual or group who disagrees with America attempts to sabotage the American economy will be brutally massacred dealt with accordingly. The United States of America will oppose all forms of marxist reforms tyranny and will unilaterally invade and personally bitch slap all the socialists liberate any country that does not implement neoliberalism respect the rights of its people. The United States believes it has the God-given right duty to steal resources from developing nations oppose human rights abuses all over the world.

Note also that Africans love Neo-Liberalism and republican presidents like George W. Bush.

George W. Bush being loved for the First time.

Proof of the positive impact of Neoliberalism
Neoliberalism and Democracy

Everybody knows that free markets and freedom go hand in hand. One only needs to look at the flourishing democracy in Colombia or the benevolent former regime of Augusto Pinochet in Chile to see how much neoliberalism improves the lives of corporate executives and government officials all of the world's citizens. The Contras in Nicaragua are another example of freedom loving neoliberals. They helped to liberate Nicaragua from the evil Sandinista government by slaughtering and maiming innocent civilians. They loved freedom so much that they were willing to hack limbs off people in order to attain it. The Contras were so righteous and just, that the United States supported them. Ronald Reagan said that they embodied American values and represented everything he stood for.

Some Famous Neoliberals are

Ron Paul
Rona Ambrose
Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
George Soros
George W. Bush
George H.W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Dwight Eisenhower
Stephen Harper
Brian Mulroney
Richard Nixon
Augusto Pinochet
Ayn Rand
Ronald Reagan
Donald Rumsfeld
Margaret Thatcher
Bert the muppet but not Ernie
Doctor Doom
Booster Gold
Bruce Wayne

Enemies of Freedom

Salvador Allende
Jacobo Arbenz
Jimmy Carter
Fidel Castro
Hugo Chavez
Noam Chomsky
Hillary Clinton
Tommy Douglas
Quinn Mallory
Ollanta Humala
John Maynard Keynes
Jack Layton
Alexa McDonough
Michael Moore
Evo Morales
Ralph Nader
Barack Obama
Daniel Ortega
Bob Rae
Larry King
David Letterman
Cindy Sheehan
Brian Peppers
Lex Luthor

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