Saturday, April 12, 2014

YOU CRANE (aka Russia's bitch part 1)


In this article I will explain some basic information about Ukraine.
the Ukranian flag

Ukraine, also pronounced as You Crane, is a country west of the collapsing EU and east of Mother Russia. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev which is also the largest city of that country. The language is second grade Russian and the ruling party now is the Fuckyou-Russia-We-Don'tWantYou.

End 2013 started the Euromaidan protests for more democracy and against the corruption but mostly because they wanted an EU-membership. Now Yanukovich is gone Russia puts more pressure on Ukraine itself, but what kind of country is Ukraine actually ?


The Ukrainian economy is very good and would be a huge asset to the EU if Ukraine were to join. No one wants to migrate out of the Ukraine thanks to its amazing economy, and by joining the EU the Ukraine could potentially divert the large amounts of Eastern European migrants to the Ukraine instead of France and Britain. This would benefit everybody. Note also the fact that Ukraine is well know as an independent nation, it doesn't need gas or anything imported from Russia.

In 2008 Yanukovich, with the help of the Ukrainian ministers, introduced a new way of spending the country's budget which saved it from crisis. When the financial crisis began in Europe, Yanukovic took 90% of all the money and kept it all to himself, his family, and friends. So Ukraine was not at all affected by the crisis. After it passed, Yanukovin decided to return the country's capital to the state treasury but all the Ukrainians appreciated the new technique so much that they forced him to keep it. Right now most of the Ukrainian money is still in the hands of the President and his helpers.

the Ukrainian Presidential Palace

This technique proved itself to be so effective that a lot of governments borrowed it. USSR president, Vladimir Putin has said in public that in order to have a successful economy all the country's officials should behave the way the Ukrainians did. The technique is known to economists as the Kiev Anti-Deficit Move and is an example of how Ukraine's policies are at the fore front of World economics.


The Ukrainian population does not have any other ethnic groups than other Ukrainians. There are no such thing as Russians in the East of Ukraine, this is just Putin his propaganda machine. The Ukrainian population consists more than 120 percent of Ukrainians. There are absolutely no Russians in the East of the Country, this is also Russian propaganda.

Most Ukrainians are also pro-European. There are also nazi nationalistic parties in Ukraine. Those parties love their Jewish/Russian minority and want to integrate them more into the Ukrainian society.

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