Saturday, April 12, 2014

YOU CRANE (aka Russia's bitch part 1)


In this article I will explain some basic information about Ukraine.
the Ukranian flag

Ukraine, also pronounced as You Crane, is a country west of the collapsing EU and east of Mother Russia. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev which is also the largest city of that country. The language is second grade Russian and the ruling party now is the Fuckyou-Russia-We-Don'tWantYou.

End 2013 started the Euromaidan protests for more democracy and against the corruption but mostly because they wanted an EU-membership. Now Yanukovich is gone Russia puts more pressure on Ukraine itself, but what kind of country is Ukraine actually ?


The Ukrainian economy is very good and would be a huge asset to the EU if Ukraine were to join. No one wants to migrate out of the Ukraine thanks to its amazing economy, and by joining the EU the Ukraine could potentially divert the large amounts of Eastern European migrants to the Ukraine instead of France and Britain. This would benefit everybody. Note also the fact that Ukraine is well know as an independent nation, it doesn't need gas or anything imported from Russia.

In 2008 Yanukovich, with the help of the Ukrainian ministers, introduced a new way of spending the country's budget which saved it from crisis. When the financial crisis began in Europe, Yanukovic took 90% of all the money and kept it all to himself, his family, and friends. So Ukraine was not at all affected by the crisis. After it passed, Yanukovin decided to return the country's capital to the state treasury but all the Ukrainians appreciated the new technique so much that they forced him to keep it. Right now most of the Ukrainian money is still in the hands of the President and his helpers.

the Ukrainian Presidential Palace

This technique proved itself to be so effective that a lot of governments borrowed it. USSR president, Vladimir Putin has said in public that in order to have a successful economy all the country's officials should behave the way the Ukrainians did. The technique is known to economists as the Kiev Anti-Deficit Move and is an example of how Ukraine's policies are at the fore front of World economics.


The Ukrainian population does not have any other ethnic groups than other Ukrainians. There are no such thing as Russians in the East of Ukraine, this is just Putin his propaganda machine. The Ukrainian population consists more than 120 percent of Ukrainians. There are absolutely no Russians in the East of the Country, this is also Russian propaganda.

Most Ukrainians are also pro-European. There are also nazi nationalistic parties in Ukraine. Those parties love their Jewish/Russian minority and want to integrate them more into the Ukrainian society.

Smashing Islamist Arguments: "they have respect for other religious groups."

Smashing Stupid Arguments

1 is down and the other one will follow

It irritates me when people are defending those so called Islamists (the Muslimbrotherhood in Syria and Egypt or the AKP-government of Erdogan). So this is a  list where I smash their stupid arguments that make no fucking sense at all.

Sunni Islamists have respect for other beliefs.


For the ones who support the MuslimBrotherhood in Egypt and always come up with this picture that muslims live peace by peace next to their Christian brothers, this picture is from secular muslims who supported the revolution and not of the muslimbrotherhood. Infact the members of the Muslimbrotherhood have been involved in several attacks on Coptic Christian churches.

Father Maximus Church

 St George Church | Burned |
Good Shepherds Monastery |  Nuns attacked
Angel Michael Church | Surrounded
St George Coptic Orthodox Church |
Al-Eslah Church| Burned |
Adventist Church | Pastor and his wife kidnapped |
St Therese Church |
Apostles Church | Burning |
Holy Revival Church | Burning |
St Fatima Basilica | Heliopolis | Attempted Attack
St Damiana Church | Robbed and burned
Evangelical Church | al-Zorby Village | Looting and destruction
Church of Joseph | Burned |
Franciscan School | Burned |
Diocese of St Paul | Burned              

But it's only Christians they hate, they have alot of respect for Jews. Like their oh so great leader Morsi once said.

oh wait they don't
Let's go to our next chapter, the Muslim Brotherhood has also a Syrian version. They are active in the so called moderate Free Syrian Army. That protests in a peacefull way for more democracy in Syria.

-Hey, Kubilay
+What ?
-It's civil war in Syria

Oh wait, I just received a message that they started a war against Assad, it seems that they're not so peacefull as I thought. But like their MuslimBrotherhood they destroy churches. What differs them from the MuslimBrotherhood is that they are more varied, they don't kill only Christians but also Shia Muslims.

AKP of Erdogan

It's not a big secret that Erdogan is a big admirer of the Ottoman Empire, you can see it because simply that he doesn't hide it but mostly because of his plans and ideas that mostly have a double meaning.

More and more laws and regulations are coming into the Turkish society that try to streamline conservative Islamic model. From warnings against public kissing in the subway in Ankara to limit the sale of alcohol. In addition, the Prime Minister assumes that he can let play his personal taste in decisions. If new buildings have to come Erdogan makes the final choice, and that apparently includes many public construction projects in a kind of neo-Ottoman style that not everyone agrees on.

And then you've got the double meaning of his projects, like the Ottoman barrack that Erdogan wanted to rebuild at the Taksimsquare. In 1909 a failed attempt to reinstall the Sharia law in the Ottoman Empire took place here. Or the third bridge at the Bospurus that Erdogan want to build, nothing wrong with the bridge ofcourse but the fact that he wants to name it Selim Yavuz is another story. Selim Yavuz was a pious Sunni who killed thousands of Shia Muslims (Alevis) in the 16th century, it's like building a new monument in Germany and name it after Hitler let's say.

For your information, Shia muslims (Alawites and Alevites) make 1/5 of Turkey's population.

Some extra interesting facts were that during Gezi protests the protesters were mostly Alevi and the 8 killed protesters were all Alevis (including Berkin Elvan). You can also witness how Sunni Muslims who support Erdogan are behaving against Alevis, insulting them on the street, spreading hate messages, attacking their neighborhoords or break any contact when a familymember marries with an Alevi.

Alevis have also a strong sense of brotherhood with President Assad of Syria, not in favour of Erdogan ofcourse...

Friday, April 11, 2014

Gypsy's of the Middle-East

Gypsy's of the Middle East

Gypsy's of the Middle-East aka Kurds are an etnicity that actually doesn't exists, infact they're just Persians who act like Arabs and want to become Turks. You can recognize a Kurd mostly on Facebook where they're complaining on Turkish pages how bad Turkey is and how much they hate Turkey. Funny fact is that the most Kurds that hate Turkey  live in Iraq.


Areas that Kurds claim to be theirs.

Kurds are well know to have great empires in their past like :

- oh shit, wait they don't

Kurds are also very nationalistic and proud of their country, most people say that they don't have a country but this isn't true. Kurds do have a country or atleast a "de facto" independent state in northern Iraq that is called Iraqi Kurdistan. How did they get it ? Well Kurds are well know that they don't wage war with their neighbouring people, they just sucked American cock so they would bomb Iraq and would receive autonomy. Actually Kurdish was an official language in Iraq during Saddam Hussein and they had equal rights as other Iraqi's. But like their European gypsy brothers they were never satisfied.

The hate actually started when Saddam visited Halabja and farted. His fart killed more than thousands of Kurds, men, women and even kids couldn't escape his farts.

So after the Americans invaded Iraq they gave the Kurds autonomy. Kurds started to build amazing buildings in their region. That's also why the most Kurds are so proud of their country which has actually has become Turkey's little bitch. Since it almost imports everything from Turkey. So they actually have a great country until the oils runs out.

Kurds in Turkey:

Kurds in Turkey always wanted an independent state, because they claim that southeastern Turkey is theirs, well actually Arameans, Syrians, Iraqi's, Armenians, Americans and Assyrians claim it also theirs but their rights don't matter because Kurds are from the superior Aryan race. That the most Kurds don't have blonde hair anymore doesn't matter, Hitler had also dark hair.

In 1970 their glorious Maoist Leader Abdullah Ocalan from the Ape Tribe started a rebellion against the Turkish state for an independent Kurdistan. Take note that most Kurds still live in Tribes, rape their own daughters if they make eye contact with other boys and kill other Kurds from other tribes. Yet they keep asking for Human Rights that Turkey turns to a more democratic Federal State like in Iraq but infact they mean like in Belgium.

So that the Turks pay everything for them and built everything for them without them doing shit. They also discriminate Turkmens and Assyrians in their autonomous region in Iraq but that's just evil Turkish propaganda.

Like I've said before, Kurds had various rebellions against the Turkish state for an independent Kurdistan. They formed even the  PKK in 1970 a marxist totalitarian I mean freedom fighters that wanted an independent Kurdistan in a peacefull way by killing innocent civillians I mean protesting. After several times by fucked by the Turkish Army aka Osman Pamukoglu, their oh so Great Leader Ocalan got arrested by Turkish agents because the Greeks couldn't afford to pay his hotel anymore.

After realising that they couldn't fight Turks, they tried it on a democratic way making alot of babies so somebody would vote on them. Thanks to several human rights organisations Turks get beaten up by the police now while Kurds can proudly wave their flag everywhere in Turkey.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Petit Erdogan

Erdogan his childhood...

Recep Tayip was born in Kasimpasa, a poor neighborhood of Istanbul. His family was originally from Rize, a conservate-sunni town full of Laz people who think they're Turkish and have a big mouth on the northeastern coast of the Black Sea, and returned there when Erdogan was still an infant, coming back to Istanbul again when he was 13. He spent those years attending Istanbul Sharia School and selling lemonade and simit (sesame rings) like those fucking annoying kids that always ask you for giving you more money. With that extra money he earned he bought porn magazines, I mean he donated it to other poor children in Gaza.

Erdogan selling simit on the  streets of Istanbul.
His childhood was mostly his father beating him up for non-islamic things he did like playing football or looking at other girls, or doing islamic things, whatever he did his dad beated him almost everytime up when he returned from work. 

During his studies he also played as a semi-professional footballplayer Kasimpasa, he wanted to continue his footballcareer but couldn't because his dad forbade him to play Godless games. A funny fact is that suddenly since Erdogan left Kasimpasa (footballclub) and started his political carreer Kasimpasa won the competition every year and even now is one of the "topclubs" of Turkey's First league., ofcourse everything in a very legal and pious way ofcourse...

After he left Kasimpasa Erdogan felt lonely and abonded. He had the feeling that he had no goal more in his life. This feel strengtened when he heared that one of his best friends named Ariël Sharon of Isreal died in coma.

To find a solution for his loneliness he went back to Rize to meditate but he still couldn't find the answer for his answers he was looking for until he went to a horsefestival. In his "Benim Savas" he would later write, "I saw a fury in the eyes of that one mysterious horse, if I wanted to become Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in the future, I needed to tame that horse." He went to the organiser and asked him if he could ride that one mysterious horse. The organiser agreed... The next thing that happened was.

well that must hurt

Well let's say that he wasn't the "special one" to become the Sultan of the Ottoman empire one day...

After his miserable horse adventure he continued with his political carreer. 
Istanbul dried out from lack of water, choked in waste and parched by the polluted air. In four years, Mayor Erdogan ordered construction of hundreds of kilometers of water pipes, modern sanitation facilities and promoting the switch from gas to fuel. Widespread problems that at the same time he managed to pay off muuch of the billion debt of the city.
 He also served 9 months in prison, because this is how Turkey works. When secularists are in power they put religious fundementalists in prison and when religious fundementalists are in prison they put secularists in prison.

In 2001 when he was released from prison Erdogan founded the Justice and Development party (the AKP), to tell a long story short, he won and became prime minister of Al-Turkiyaaaaaa.

Welcome in Dönerstan

Of course it is important to understand Turkey before you can understand what happens in Turkey right now. 

Political map of Turkey

The Republic of Turkey, officially the United Ottoman Caliphate, is a country situated in the Middle-East, well they belong in Europe but were kicked out by the Greeks and Bulgarians. As a country mostly made up by Anatolian Sandniggers and Gypsy Kurds ruled by a Kemalist elite, Turkey is well know for his fierce form of Fascism pride of their newborn country. Turkey is also the most secular country on earth, as first introduced by the Young Turks against the Ottoman Sultan. Turkey is also a trollcountry that stole everything from their neighbours, but stating such facts lies will get you jailed criticized in Turkey. Most Turks say always that they're proud of their Central-Asian roots, but infact most of them are just a bunch of Greeks, Persians, Arabs and Armenians in denial.

We're all Hrant, we're all Armenians

But that were some facts about Turkey, back to politics. Since the founding of the Republic of Turkey by Mustafa Kemal who is called Atatürk, a name he received from the Turkish people. Atatürk mean "father of all Turks", this show how fake Turks really are since Atatürk was an Albanian-Greek. But whatever, he did an amazing job taking Turkey 500 years further into time, kicking the Allies out Gallipoli, beating them again after the First World War because a retarded sultan had signed a stupid pact with them backstabbing his own people. But yeah, after kicking some Greek ass he created the New Secular Modern Turkish Republic.

After his dead there were some democratic elected prime ministers that constantly were killed by the Turkish Military who saw themselves as protecters of the Turkish Republic and the Kemalist ideoligy. Well killing elected prime ministers isn't that democratic like we all know but you must understand that the majority of the Turks is retarded conservative. Just pray some times in public and maybe shout some Islamic verses and half of Turkey will run themselves into death for you. To prevent such scenario the Military needed to arrest them before they did something amazingly stupid. 

After years of a one party-system where the secularists (CHP) ruled Turkey,  most Turks wanted democratic elections without a military coup. What happened is that the assimilated Georgian named Recep Tayyip Erdogan won the elections with such a majority that he even didn't needed to form a coalition. He improved the economy let's say (this is just propaganda, I will explain everything in another article), made Turkey more liberal by removing the Secular Nationalists and tries now to implement a sort of Islamism.

I hoped that this article would explain how Turkey really is.