Monday, June 9, 2014


Meanwile in Istanbul

Kurds are an etnicity that doesn't exist, in fact they're Persians who act like Arabs and want to become like Turks. One day a tribe somewhere in the fucking middle east got fucked by Arabs and conquered by Turks. Because of this mixture they called themselves Kurds. The Kurds were part of the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years. One funny fact is that Kurds always complain and hate the Kemalists while praising the Islamic Empire for his brotherhood between Turkish and Kurdish muslims. While I guess that these events also never happened:

Babanzade Abdurrahman Paşa Revolt (1806- Musul)
Babanzade Ahmet Paşa Revolt (1812 – Musul)
Zaza’ların Revolt (1820)
Yezidilerin Revolt (1830- Hakkari)
Şerefhan Revolt (1831- Bitlis)
Bedirhan Revolt (1835- Botan)
Garzan Revolt (1839- Diyarbakır)
Ubeydullah Revolt (1881- Hakkari)
Bedirhan Osman Paşa ve kardeşi Hüseyin Paşa Revolt (1872-Mardin-Cizre)
Bedirhan Emin Ali Revolt (1889- Erzincan)
Bedirhaniler ve Halil Rema Revolt (1912-Mardin)
Şeyh Selim Şehabettin ve Ali Revolt (1912- Bitlis)
Koşgari Revolt (1920- Koşgiri)

Turkey was founded in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk after he kicked some Allied asses. His army was mostly composed of Turks but there were also some Kurds, this created another myth that Kurds died for the Republic of Turkey and should be treated as first class citizens like Turks. Well sorry faggots but the truth is that (most) Kurds sided with the enemies of Turkey, historical events don't lie:

Nasturi isyanı (1924- Hakkari)
Jilyan isyanı (1926- Siirt)
Şeyh Sait isyanı (1925- Bingöl-Muş-Diyarbakır)
Seit Taha ve Seit Abdullah isyanı (1925-Şemdinli)
Reşkotan ve Reman isyanı (1925- Diyarbakır)
Eruh’lu Yakup Ağa ve oğulları (1926-Pervani)
Güyan isyanı (1926-Siirt)
Haco isyanı (1926- Nusaybin)
I. Ağrı isyanı (1926)
Koçuşağı isyanı (1926- Silvan)
Hakkari- Beytüşşebab isyanı (1926)
Mutki isyanı (1927- Bitlis)
II. Ağrı isyanı
Biçar harekatı (1927- Silvan)
Zilanlı Resul Ağa isyanı (1929- Eruh)
Zeylan isyanı (1930- Van)
Tutaklı Ali Can isyanı (1930- Tutak-Bulanık-Hınıs)
Oramar isyanı (1930- Van)
III. Ağrı harekatı (1930)
Buban aşireti isyanı (1934- Bitlis)
Abdurrahman isyanı (1935-Siirt)
Abdulkuddüs isyanı (1935-Siirt)
Sason isyanı (1935-Siirt)
Dersim isyanı (1937-Tunceli)
PKK terörü (1984-1999)

Atatürk stated that the people from Thrakya and Anatolia (after his victory) had various ethnical backgrounds and needed to forget these to form an unitary country. It worked with the most ethnical groups like the Laz people, Greeks, Albanians, Circassians and others but not with the Kurds in the Southeast who demanded autonomy that Atatürk had promised them during the War. Ataturk said: "Aminakoydum bekleyin bi ya." which is translated as: "******* **** can you wait for a second." since he was busy with kicking some fanatical muslims their asses. The Kurds were not happy with his answer and started to revolt. After that they lost, they took the tradition of Greeks and Armenians over that they've not been defeated but genocided at Dersim.

A kurd reading all this.

Some years happen, shit happens in Europe and the Cold war starts. Turkey, a former ally of the Socialists, sides with Nato and joins it leaving their former ally the Soviet Union behind them. The reason for this was because the Soviets wanted some land and Ismet didn't wanted to give it to them and shit. Some military coups find place since those radical muslims don't know to stop. One of the most famous military coups was in 1980 when Kenan Evren took over. He and his military Junta implemented some dracanious laws like forbading the Kurdish language. This is how also the story of the upressed Kurds began you know. Always being targeted by the outside world, it was not that Turkish communists, Turkish socialists, Turkish liberals, Turkish ultra-nationalists were arrested/tortured/killed during 1980 by the Military Junta, it only happened to the Kurds, those poor people...

Kurds were like

So the PKK was founded by Abdullah Ocalan and some other students. Inspired by Marxism and Nationalism which is actually a strange combination since Karl Marx hated Nationalism. The reason why they use this is very simple, they act like they're the upressed by spreading communist propaganda to break the power of Turkey and after that they suddenly become Nationalistic believing in an own Kurdish state.

These are the areas they claim to be theirs:

Kurdish populated areas.
Some fighting occured between the Turkish army and the PKK. The Turkish army set fire on to their houses because yolo and the PKK killed fellow Kurds who didn't support them because swag. In 1999 their leader Abdullah Ocalan got captured, it was a very hard time for the PKK who also got attacked by the Turkish army aka Osman Pamukoglu.

Meanwhile they also moderated their views, well actually they didn't they just understood that they were no match against the Turkish army. The thing I find hilarious about Kurds is the fact that they always brag around how the PKK "rapes" the Turkish army in the mountains but cry like little faggots in public how badly they are treated by Turkish soldiers. But whatever, Erdogan made more place for more Kurdish rights but like always they were not satisfied and for an unknow reason they thank Ocalan for this while infact if the PKK never was established they could had more rights and autonomy far earlier.

Erdogan made "peace" with the PKK for an unknow time. The PKK were very happy like you can see on this picture.

peaceloving Kurds

The peace proces between the PKK and the AKP government is still going on now. And with peace I mean that the PKK keeps attacking Turkish forces while crying like bitches that they want peace, just like on this picture.

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